What's 1564 you ask ?
To put it simply, It's the 1st (I), 4th (IV), 5th (V) and 6th (VI) chords in any given key, but played in the sequence of 1st, 5th, 6th and 4th.
Make the 6th chord a Minor chord.
For example, in the key of C - which consists of:
C (1st), D (2nd), E (3rd) , F (4th), G (5th) , A (6th) & B (7th)
the 1564 progression would be C, G, Am, F
These 4 simple chords are the basis of many songs, so if your stuck for ideas, this could free some up.
Just be careful that you don't get stuck in the habit of using the same chord patterns for all your songs.
Better still, analyze your existing songs to see what chord patterns they are using. Maybe trying a new sequence from what you usually use will help you create a great song that really stands out.
[Resoucre http://www.kurumi.com/music/]
technorati tags:indie, independent, musician
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